the Viper

It is a clutter in my room.
It is pitch darkness in my shed.
And like a fetus inside a womb
The viper curled up on my bed.

Its black forked tongue, long and thin…
I never tell this. I elide.
One hundred vipers bite my skin.
But only one can bite inside.

© All rights reserved 2014

23 thoughts on “the Viper

    • Thank you, Daniel!
      A train of thoughts… it’s better than a train of serpents 😛
      (I have nothing against of serpents if they agree to sign a non-aggression pact)

      Liked by 1 person

    • LOL! Yes, if they like to get along and behave, I let them stay. They like my vodka collection. I think that is what they come for. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • In all honesty, my serpents are mostly dragons. And yes, I don’t go anywhere without them. We are such a rowdy fun bunch as you can imagine. The vodka makes everyone happy as long as I don’t buy too much. 🙂 My favorite dragon is named, Silly Wee Willy Nilly. He’s very small and likes to dream and chase his tail. He is my muse and alter ego. 🙂

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    • I think dragon eggs came first and dragons just kept up the tradition. I enjoyed that poem. It should have been on my reading list in high school. It might have saved me some frightful moments when I inadvertently teased a few dragons out into the open. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • I survived and earned a few badges along the way. Yes, once you tame them, they are loyal friends. I did have a wonderful Sunday and I hope you have as well. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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