Cognitive dissonance

I understood in my childhood what ‘cognitive dissonance’ meant… Ha! Of course, I didn’t know yet the term ‘cognitive dissonance’, but I knew its effect perfectly and was using it masterly. For example…

I hated sitting on nannies’ knees at my kindergarten. Unfortunately, they just adored to paw at me and fondle me with their fat hands. So, I was forced to play on the defensive. And the fact that the attack is the best defense, I knew too…

‘What do you want to be when you grow up, baby?’

‘A forensic expert. Like my father…’ I was saying always and clapping with my big blue eyes…

I was climbing down from their knees by myself. And I knew that I would be free until the end of the day. I would not be caught and be tortured by stupid questions and milk porridge. After this I was hiding under the table.

I was taking ‘Gray’s Anatomy’ and was scanning pictures. Yes… The truth is a very effective tool… This was one of the first rules I learned.

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6 thoughts on “Cognitive dissonance

  1. Ah, when I mentioned “Cognitive Dissonance” to you the other day, you already knew what I was talking about! You know a lot of cool words and phrases in the English language that even a lot of English speakers don’t know – you are going to master the language! 🙂

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