just sorry,
for all the confusion I have caused,
for the dilemmas I have brought to you,
and for all the nerves that I have cost.

Mama I am sorry, oh,
for all the weirdness I let through,
for the choices that I poorly chose,
and for all the crazy things that only I would do.

I am sorry everyone,
for all the questions I have asked,
for every time you thought I misbehaved,
or all those playground days you picked me last,
guess I just didn’t pay attention,
or even fell asleep in class during ‘Normal 101’.

I’m sorry world,
for living life the way to make it fun,
for expressing my own happiness,
and all in all for being a piece of work,
that will always stay undone!

Now the one thing I am truly sorry for,
is for the sadness I’ll leave behind,
if my eyes and thoughts should decide one day,
that now it’s time to go blind.

But honey don’t you worry child,
I’ll try to leave this world alive,
and even if I don’t make it dear,
at least I’ve lived a happy life,
although I failed and I just made it halfway through,
you can still tell them my stories,
and let them know about all the crazy things only I would do,
know every time you tell them I’ll be sitting here,
enjoying all my memories with a happy smile,
because it was quite a ride!

I’ll see you in a while!

© All rights reserved 2015

16 thoughts on “GUEST POST // OOPS! by PROSPERMIND

  1. Oh man… You’ve left me speechless the minute I saw you chose THIS to be featured on your Guest Post section. I went and reread what I had written back then.. I guess this piece speaks for itself. I can’t believe how long ago this was written, it certainly feels like an eternity. However as soon as I read it again, I felt it all. I felt what I felt when I wrote this. I’m still feeling this as I’m writing this comment here. I chocked a bit. It’s so weird to feel “old” feelings boiling back up inside. Strange.
    Thanks unbolt. You’re wonderful indeed. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oh, my! Thank you!
      (happy sigh)

      It was the really hard choice, buddy 😛
      I dived into your blog… and sank. You’re an awesome poet, truly!

      Awww… I’m happy that I was able to kick you off.
      Shock and ‘odd’ feelings… an awesome background for inspiration!
      May we, your readers, count on your new masterpiece now? 😛

      Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah.. I noticed. You brought me many many smiles these past days. 🙂
      Thanks again, enough with the compliments though, my face is cramping up from all the smiling. 😀
      I think you must’ve felt that I was about to post a new poem today.. either you smelled it or you possess supernatural sixth-sense-like abilities, allowing you to foresee poetry (insted of seeing dead people of course… or maybe both?! Creepy! :D) Aaaanyhow, my guess is that you smelled it somehow. Yup, you smelled it. How you ask? Well, let’s just say Revenge may taste sweet, but it sure as hell reeks of rotting meat. Not a masterpiece, just a piece. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

    • It smells… brassy… and ruby.

      my hot sweaty pelt…
      I am walking your path
      and obliging snowmelt
      hides all proofs of my wrath.

      my nose leads me…
      I depend on your scent.
      I stand on my knee –
      do you hear my lament?

      my fangs brightly shine…
      moon tries on mourning…
      you will be mine –
      mine no later than morning!

      Liked by 1 person

    • AHRRRRR!! Rucking fock! ❤

      Your sinister grin shines like the Blood Moon… WOW!
      I guess, you'll love the next collaboration from Tony and me, my dearest Werwolf 😀

      Liked by 1 person

    • Aaooooouuuuuuuhhh!!! Here I am: howling again!! 😀

      Can’t wait for this collaboration of you guys, gotta catch up with so much reading soon. I’m as busy as a bee this month… a WEREWOLF BEE!!!! AAAOOUUUHHHHH!!! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      Your enthusiasm is infectious (C)

      The werewolf bee 😛
      I hope, next week you will be able to taste some honey-dew on wormwood flowers… Take care, bee! Please, don’t fly over fields of rapeseed!!

      Liked by 1 person

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