23 thoughts on “Portage

    • Yes, Sheldon…
      But sharing a void can alleviate the burden.
      Oh… such a strange thought came to my head… we divide zero and get a result that is distinct from zero… Cool, yes?


    • Thank you very much ❤
      (I'm so-so-so sorry for my delay… I'm like Alice in Wonderland now… I have to run really fast just to stay in place)

      But I'm happy that I reached your comment finally.
      Thank you again ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    • You’re always very welcome here, dear sir 😛
      Don’t want to repeat? Write whatever you want!

      ‘Portage or portaging is the practice of carrying water craft or cargo over land, either around an obstacle in a river, or between two bodies of water. A place where this carrying occurs is also called a portage’

      Cool, yes? 😛

      Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, unity and struggle of opposites… such a plentiful source of inspiration! Thank you, Ashley! I’m always happy to see you here ❤


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