House of Cards ~ The one ‘Four Flush’ collaboration

We, girls, love fairy tales. Yes, we do. We believe in Prince Charming, Eternal Love, Happy Endings and Other Bullshit. We believe in ‘They Lived Happily Ever After’, of course. Who can blame us? You? And you too? Hey, you, go away!

For those staying… I’m happy to present my new collaboration.

Cynthia Morgan 
OMG… She is the creator of the mythical realm of Jyndari and author of the recently published epic fantasy, ‘Dark Fey: The Reviled’, which draws the reader into a mystical realm of primordial forests, magic and the lives of Light-loving and Darkness-revering Feykind. Can you believe it? Me neither!

I was brazen (and full of boundless self-confidence… as always) and sent my request about a collaboration to Cynthia. She agreed. Can you believe it? Me neither!

But it’s true! Cynthia is an amazing and kind person, very cheerful, very friendly and open to collaborations, despite the lack of time (Cynthia is currently working on her next book). So, I was among the lucky ones who got this opportunity to work with Cynthia. YAY!

Thank you, Cynthia! Thank you for your unique style and your odd sexy split infinitive.

What more can one say? Oh, yeah! This narration has 13 haiku (so scary, yes?)… and… it’s my first collaboration with a woman. Good God! Can you believe it? Me neither!


Artwork by Cornacchia

Whirligig of time…
I was born on the slop bog
under shining stars

Chance of Blighted Fate
Twisting all once Treasured
Sorrow Masking Love

My pillows were filled
with warm putrid leaves, peat moss
and innocent dreams

Then Chance Twisted Fate
Beyond all Expectation
Brief Moment of Time

…ball dresses for rats,
sweetest lullabies for toads,
glowworms in the hair…

Sweetest Enchantment
Beguiling Prince Dancing Fair
Beneath soft Moonlight

Grandma’ folios,
a philtre. Love is easy!
I took up the reins

Spinning in Moonlight
Whispers of Fairytale Dreams
Midnight bells Tolling

I rushed at full speed
to a tryst… A braking path
on wet fallen leaves…

Shared Oblivion
Deliciously Tempting
Moonlight Singing Sweet

Oops! Loud brake squealing…
The one boot lies on the road…
Where is my fair prince?

Masquerade of Fate
Time Beguiled by my Ruse
House of Cards, Falling

Whirligig of time…
I was born on the slop bog…
and spent all my life

© All rights reserved 2015

12 thoughts on “House of Cards ~ The one ‘Four Flush’ collaboration

  1. I love what I have found so far in this blog, and without becoming lost – it’s like a maze with lots of creatures hiding in it.
    I found this oversight
    ‘Twisting all once Treasured’ 6
    Great stuff!

    Liked by 2 people

    • You do?! No mystery? Oh… nooooooo! 😥
      Well… at least, we’ve recruited a new member to our card-parish 😛

      Thank you, Tony ❤
      Hey… just a friendly advice… it would be better if you look at left/right and use a zebra crossing… This fairy forest has such a terrible road traffic!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks Ever so Tati 🙂 I did enjoy working with you as you drew me into realms I would have otherwise skirted around. 😉 So much Fun and this is an awesome post! Yes, I Believe it 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • ❤ Oh, Cynthia ❤

      Thank YOU that you were so brave and agreed to ride with me! It was a pure joy and an unique experience for me… I hope that dozens of great journeys are waiting for us ahead!

      P.S. Yes, I believe too 😛
      P.P.S. I'm so sorry for such a late reply… I run as fast as I can and just to stay in place… Yuck! I should run twice as fast as that… or just relax and enjoy to amble lazily 😀


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