GUEST POST // Tessellate by Obsidian Visionary

Change your very being to blend in
Not be colorful while the rest have pale skin
Ignore the crow’s calling to sleep with doves
Maybe then you will find true love.

Love of being accepted into to the idea of Propriety,
Bearing the dark mark of a disheveled society
Vanish into the constant pattern of in-numerous nobody’s
Trapped in the array, mind fervently fuzzy.

Cut the sides, smooth the edges
To fit right in, resignation you must pledge.
The fear of being an outcast far too great
Sink into the mould as triangles tessellate.

Is this the wondrous utopia you had dreamt ?
An atrocious life where you are unnaturally bent.
Maybe you were never meant to fit the “mould”
But instead to be your true motley of silver and gold.

© All rights reserved 2015

9 thoughts on “GUEST POST // Tessellate by Obsidian Visionary

    • It’s my greatest pleasure and honor, truly!
      It’s the least that I can do for you ❤
      You're such a great poet, you're just one in a thousand!
      I'm happy that I met you on WP and got an opportunity to read your works!


    • Awwww… Thank you, dear sir ❤
      Obsidian Visionary is one of my very first friends on WP!
      I'm happy that after such a long break I can show these stunning works again!

      Liked by 1 person

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