
Once upon a time
you sought to make me jibbly,
like a high strung cat
in a room of rocking chairs.
Yeah, to catch me unawares.

I’m a decent Wolf
with noble, argent frosting.
I’m a devotee
of traditional virtues
and classical demerits.

Ogled all you want
then got mad ’cos I don’t care,
big bad Mr Wolf.
No matter how hard you tried.
Stalking while I kept my stride.

I consume infants
exclusively on Shabbat,
with Benedictions,
exalted piety, and
the moral standards of tales.

Bitch, you’re not hearing!
What’s with the home invasion?
You’re not welcome here
and no one eats my Grandma.
Yeah, I know you’re not her. Ha!

What is this I hear?
Auh! Such a churl young lady!
Tell your melamed
he must do his work better!
Spare the rod and spoil the child!

Dolt! Isn’t the rod
more fun? Discipline is hot,
but you’re psychotic!
I don’t date nutters, you know.
You can never have me. Go!

Aaron’s rod devours
the other rods… oh! Honey,
may we change a pose?
This danged tail rubs sore my ass!
Next time you’ll be Gray, OK?

© All rights reserved 2015

41 thoughts on “T.U.F.T.

  1. This was great read Tony.
    My problem now is that without my laptop in this computer the reader doesn´t appear so I have to check the email and there are 25 emails or post per page, so you can imagine seeing, reading or erasing 25 post at a time when I get 500 a day. So hard to find you in there. Glad I did this time.

    Liked by 2 people

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