Oops!… We Did It Again (Silent Snuff Movie)

Erm… hullo there. (This is rather awkward…)

Dear Reader, the stuff that was originally posted here has been removed.

We have done this because said stuff has since been included in one of our published books. We hope you’ll believe us when we say we’re not trying to be stingy. No, this has been done to honour the people who have already spent their hard-earned money on our eBook creations.*

If, however, for some reason you’re unable to buy one of our books, and feel you’ll die without seeing this piece of writing, then please contact us via admin@unbolt.me. We won’t allow our Dear Readers to fade away in the dark. We’ll send you the piece in question, and it will be absolutely free. All you need do is ask.

* Of course, we would be like two happy puppies if you too decided to buy one of our books.

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78 thoughts on “Oops!… We Did It Again (Silent Snuff Movie)

  1. And it is surprising how loud tinnitus can be, not at all the supposedly meditative experience one would expect from hearing loss. I now have both a high radio squeal and a bass drone accompaniment. And yes, I am sorry that I didn’t hear what you said and did you know that turning up one’s hearing aids results in the sensation of being screamed at and having all other sounds still combating with the important messages.Silence is not all that golden.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Hi Tony, I really enjoyed this post. I think you have a great style and it inspired me so much I used your words for my self-proclaimed UsetheenglishLuke Challenge where I create a text using the words I don’t know from the best posts of my followers to improve my english. If you like and have time and you want to take a read I would be honored to receive corrections for my english, ideas, comments, or whatever you have in mind if you like to… 🙂 My post with yours reblogged is here: https://lucapovoleri.wordpress.com/2016/09/22/un-stylish-running-in-cremeno-mountains/
    Thank you so much for reading my blog, you are gifted and I feel your style much alike the one I want to have one day! 🙂 Have a great day! Luca

    Liked by 2 people

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