100 WORD SKITTLE // Lurking the Dream (Follow-up to Leaving the Dream)

The day was cold.

I hugged the walls, trying to hide in dark corners, but a bitchy wind found me everywhere I went, and gnawed at my neck and cheeks with its merciless teeth. I had no respite.

I was huddled in the pokey gap between a tattoo parlour and pool hall when I heard what sounded like a squeaky toy. There was a frail, drawn-out release of air. Like it had been sat on. Like it had invented misery.

I checked. No. I hadn’t squashed anything, but there was a tiny ball of fur there.

…with two pointy triangles.

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19 thoughts on “100 WORD SKITTLE // Lurking the Dream (Follow-up to Leaving the Dream)

  1. I was relieved to find out the noise was from Shrody’s Cat and two pointy triangles. For a moment I feared it was a whoopie cushion activated by an evil clown. The stuff that goes down in alleyways between tattoo parlors and pool halls would make Dick Tracy wet his Doc Martins.

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