Open-Source Poetry Three #4

Dear Readers,

Things are heatin’ up with them dolphins. The latest eyewitness report by cynicalwordsmith proves this. And now we’re left wondering why the Navy Seals continue to ignore this imminent danger. Why don’t they raise the alarm? Where’s the armed escort? The strike teams? It might even be too late!

Guys, if we don’t wish to be slaves to the dolphins, to serve them coffee in bed and wash their bloody underpants, then we need to rise up and fight! Break out your nets. Get your fishing rods and meat hooks. Unpack those pointedly pointy harpoons. This means war!

For those of you who are still on the fence about this whole communal poetry writing project, cast your eyes over the rules of engagement and have a serious think about jumping into the party pool with the rest of us. But beware of anything that possesses a blowhole!

1) We provide the next line of the poem. (See below.)
2) You write the following line.
3) You submit your line via the comments section of this very post.
4) We pick the line we like most and add it to the poem.
5) We publish every line to date in a follow-up post.
6) Steps 1-5 are repeated until we have a masterpiece!

And holy hell on a cracker, you people that’ve been playing so far are twisted daredevils! (Almost as much as us.) Your entries have been as creative as they are varied, and we’re so grateful that you’ve chosen to participate!


wet backs, sharp fangs, dangerous dolphin eyes
waves for crowns and blood in the water
they wade through utter slaughter
captain ahab, hunting still, with wife and son and daughter

their harpoons at the ready, of fearsome size
all prepared to greet the impending crimson tide
it seems that the gore storm will never subside


© All rights reserved 2019

19 thoughts on “Open-Source Poetry Three #4

  1. fierce wave after wave break, cast all hope aside

    I’m thinking to match the rhyme and pattern of line 1, which would also set up the next stanza… or I’m just a dolt, which is entirely possible (just ask my ex)

    Liked by 2 people

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