(fried chicken) wings

everyone has a right to be ordinary
not famous, not pretty and cool
just there, without a care in the world
moving from scene to ordinary scene

pet a cat, have an allergy to fur
sneeze and have a runny nose
take out the trash, pay last month’s bill
fart quietly to avoid accusing eyes

rewatch ‘doctor who’ the twentieth time
hide a holey sock ‘neath another blanket
play ‘monster hunter’ for ten hundred hours
then lay in the dark from a monster migraine

then rise up and go, step onto the roof
spread those wings and make that jump
and save the whole world, once or thrice
because it’s hep to ordinary people

Float Like a Butterfly

© All rights reserved 2023

23 thoughts on “(fried chicken) wings

  1. More power to the ordinary person, say I, for the world is ours… despite a certain type of person is yet to realise it. Or maybe they realise and are jealous, thus they try to destroy it

    Wow, that went further than I intended!

    Liked by 1 person

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