Oops!… We Did It Again (a Cell)

Erm… hullo there. (This is rather awkward…)

Dear Reader, the stuff that was originally posted here has been removed.

We have done this because said stuff has since been included in one of our published books. We hope you’ll believe us when we say we’re not trying to be stingy. No, this has been done to honour the people who have already spent their hard-earned money on our eBook creations.*

If, however, for some reason you’re unable to buy one of our books, and feel you’ll die without seeing this piece of writing, then please contact us via admin@unbolt.me. We won’t allow our Dear Readers to fade away in the dark. We’ll send you the piece in question, and it will be absolutely free. All you need do is ask.

* Of course, we would be like two happy puppies if you too decided to buy one of our books.

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17 thoughts on “Oops!… We Did It Again (a Cell)

    • You come up with the greatest words, I swear your English vocabulary is far greater than mine. Although we might have a good time in the unsavory word category!

      This image is stunning, I love it! I hope that you never hesitate to publish. No slip-sliding away today on the armor of ice? Please have a wonderful evening!

      Alice Canary ♥

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Reminds of the song I just listened to, that I used to randomly inspire the fourth line of the sonnet I’m working on today! I may have to borrow the inspiration of the word “Unbound” from you! In the 2 sequels to The Matrix, above The Oracle’s door is a Latin phrase that means “know thyself” (which I used in the second line), but that I know my favorite deceased poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning used in her translation of the play “Prometheus Bound”, when Ocean said to Prometheus this excerpt of the play:

    “Exhort thee, though already subtle enough, —
    To a better wisdom. Titan, know thyself.
    And take new softness to thy manners, since
    A new king rules the gods. If words like these,
    Harsh words and sharp ones, thou wilt fling abroad,
    Zeus haply, though he sit so far and high…”

    Here’s the song, which will not be featured in my post of the poem, as it only influenced the fourth line (so far at least) and isn’t perfect enough for my tastes to compliment the sonnet as a whole:

    I will probably be working on finishing the first draft of the sonnet late into the night here, but before you slip into sleep there, if you haven’t already, here’s a sneak peak of what I have so far written!

    “Inkling inclinator, inspiring exasperator — Hello Opera, ain’t it
    computated to “Know Thyself” dragon-chasing Opium-like pipe-dreams,
    complicated Ouroboroses, ending our tales just after our beginnings?
    Following stuffed-up noses, broken compass roses, senselessness orchestrated”

    Liked by 1 person

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