udderly stellar

once upon a time
one professional dairymaid
lost her temper
and abandoned her job
(if you’ve ever had a repulsive boss
you would understand)

she walked down the road
and saw a lightning flash
this was her awakening
and a new job offer

now she is a lead
in the milky way dairy
looks after the galaxy’s cows
expresses star milk
and never raises her voice
to juniors and colleagues

udderly stellar

© All rights reserved 2024

18 thoughts on “udderly stellar

  1. My mother’s milk was meant,
    to be cupped in the hands;
    and seized,
    by every indication,
    of methamphetamine.

    My mother’s milk was,
    handed down to me;
    in my teenage years.
    A slight,
    for years,
    of unrequited unconditionals.

    My mother’s milk was made,
    to feed a gang leader,
    who spent his hours;
    behind bars;
    undressing her in fantasies.

    My mother’s milk,
    replaced by soy,
    for my digestion;

    A poor replacement,
    for the eyes who coo.

    Liked by 2 people

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