TATI’s & TONY’s DEAD POET TOUR // Why Fades A Dream? by Paul Laurence Dunbar

Why fades a dream?
An iridescent ray
Flecked in between the tryst
Of night and day.
Why fades a dream?–
Of consciousness the shade
Wrought out by lack of light and made
Upon life’s stream.
Why fades a dream?

That thought may thrive,
So fades the fleshless dream;
Lest men should learn to trust
The things that seem.
So fades a dream,
That living thought may grow
And like a waxing star-beam glow
Upon life’s stream–
So fades a dream.

Public Domain Poetry

RIDDLE ME THIS // Six Word Story #83

Dear Reader, we had fun watching you try to answer our last riddle! (Our congratulations to Crosslife Spaces for correctly guessing ‘sky’!) Now, can you guess the answer to this last one?

1265542358_ornamentHarvested by night, eaten by day.

© All rights reserved 2020

GUEST POST // Who’s in Charge? by Field of thorns

When day turns into night, and night turns into day,
this magic moment lasts but seconds in the 24 hours of each day.
During these seconds, is the changing of the guard,
when day walkers, are replaced with night watchers, who’s in charge?

By night the evil day walkers are at play, raising havoc in the dark,
eluding the night watchers seeming vigilant trademark.
While by day, the well-loved night watchers are fast asleep,
the day walkers pretend to be so meek, who’s in charge?

It’s an odd and fascinating clock,
that measures the true beats of our hearts.
Which are you, and I know you know,
a day walker or night watcher, who’s in charge?

© All rights reserved 2014