

The Tin Man walks home
from the market at morning.
Fresh bakery, fruits,
a big bouquet of daisies…
all that his Dorothy loves.

He walks and glistens
in the morning sun. He thinks
about her blue eyes
and her lovely smile. He hugs
the bouquet like her shoulders.

The Story

“Hey, you, hurry up!
Only 3 days in the town
a world-famous coach,
a relationship expert.
Oz, the great and powerful!”

Of course, the Tin Man
sits in the first row and heeds
the words of wisdom
and diligently makes notes
about loving validly.

…such a perfect speech!
Oz hotly touches his chest
and inspiredly speaks
to the breathless audience
where ‘authentic love’ resides.

The Tin Man stands on
the stage among volunteers
and suddenly… “Oh!
No-no-no! You, piece of tin!
Push off, shell of a person!

Grating of gearwheels…
The Tin Man was made heartless,
but sure not brainless.
A real, alive, hot heart
is all that the Tin Man needs!

…at the rear entrance
fans wait for an autograph,
but not the Tin Man.
When you love desperately
the end justifies the means.

The Tin Man walks home
from the market at morning.
Fresh bakery, fruits…
and a hot pulsating heart
in a plain cellophane bag.

He puts the daisies
into her favorite vase
and pictures her joy…
…how she finds on her pillow
this heart oozing with true love.


On the tin life field
memories fade like daisies.
The falling petals…
The Tin Man… Dorothy… Oz…
Hush! Do you hear town criers?

“Hey, you, hurry up!
Only 3 days in the town
a world-famous coach,
a relationship expert.
Stannum, the comprehended Love!”

© All rights reserved 2015

59 thoughts on “Cancanlove

  1. I think Harry is talking about consciousness — our sense of self-hood, the thoughts, feelings, intuitions, memories, and the like, which give us a sense of “self,” of “inner” and “outer.” In fact, the very concept of “real” is a very hard one. What is “real” is a mystery, for whatever is “out there” is something we apprehend in our minds, which is another humongous problem when it comes to “reality.” So, what is “real” is rather subjective, and this “subjective” is also problematic. In the end, each has his/her own “reality,” which is compounded of his/her mind setup, background, culture, &c., &c. &c., which also influences his/her perception of the “external reality.”

    Back to Harry’s post, I agree with him that what seems most important for us, sentient, conscious beings, is the “inner” world, whatever happens in our minds and how our minds perceive our own existence and the “outside” world.

    Well, your poem has engendered all this conversation which, I confess myself guilty of, may go haywire.

    Great poem! Thanks for sharing it.

    Jim Valero

    Liked by 2 people

    • Jim, thank you for taking the time to respond so eloquently to Tati’s poem. I can safely say that you’ve given us both much food for thought. Of course, “self” is something I’ve always wrestled with too which is probably why I could relate so strongly to not only Tati’s poem but what you’re also saying here. Don’t be a stranger, my friend, and please do make yourself at home! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. We might all recognize ourselves in this tin man piece.
    In the illusion that ‘we’ are our physical body, when all that ‘we’ are is in our consciousness: hopes, dreams and aspirations, our awareness of ourselves and everything around us.
    All of our so called ‘physical feelings’ only exist as ideas in our mind too.
    Where does the consciousness end and the non-conscious tin begin? That simple question is the source of all our problems.
    Don’t be fooled by its warm familiarity. That collection of atoms is as mindless and uncaring as a suit of armor, like everything else of this physical world.
    It’s mean too, with a will of its own, designed over millions of years of genetic evolution to look out for itself. Clever as it is, it’s still just a bio-robot, programmed by organic components to survive and reproduce itself.
    And like every other physical thing in this universe of atoms and molecules, it doesn’t give a damn about us or any of the unphysically real stuff in our conscious awareness. It doesn’t even know that ‘we’ exist. (How could something that’s not conscious, know that consciousness exists?)
    Yet thinking we are the tin man, we look out for it as if our existence depends on it.
    Thinking we’re physical skews our entire understanding of ‘real’. It’s how material things came to dominate our conscious existence, and it turns us against our real, conscious selves. It makes us want to be more like physical robots. It tricks us into believing our robot selves are worth more than our real selves.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Harry, I love this comment. Please correct me if I’m wrong but it seems to me as if you’re speaking of the soul, that immaterial sentience that is only tethered to the material by force of will. You gave me much to think about. In fact, Tati and I had a good discussion about this after reading your words. Thank you for visiting!

      Liked by 1 person

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