GUEST POST // You Will Be Gone by John Feaster

My life goes alone

But it is not a safe life for anyone,
I just hold on to all that I can …
Try this or that, but I am a lost boy.

And when you say, “Maybe, I will read you
In a book store one day” …

I know you are gone.
I am a lost boy writing my life in a song,
And that is all I will ever be.

That is all I will ever have
To give you my darling lady. I will
Always love you, and you will be gone.

© All rights reserved 2017

Oops!… We Did It Again (Silent Snuff Movie)

Erm… hullo there. (This is rather awkward…)

Dear Reader, the stuff that was originally posted here has been removed.

We have done this because said stuff has since been included in one of our published books. We hope you’ll believe us when we say we’re not trying to be stingy. No, this has been done to honour the people who have already spent their hard-earned money on our eBook creations.*

If, however, for some reason you’re unable to buy one of our books, and feel you’ll die without seeing this piece of writing, then please contact us via We won’t allow our Dear Readers to fade away in the dark. We’ll send you the piece in question, and it will be absolutely free. All you need do is ask.

* Of course, we would be like two happy puppies if you too decided to buy one of our books.

© All rights reserved 2016-2018

GUEST POST // Alone by Purple Creature

quietness fills the air
all I hear are my footsteps
all I see is the mist of air leaving my mouth
my breathing is becoming labored
my knees are hurting
my side has knife stabbing pains
all this is becoming white noise
the pain is getting worse
I smile
because I know it will be stopping soon
everything will be stopping soon
I have been slowly climbing a tall mountain
my tall mountain
I have been climbing it for years it seems
I can see the mountain top
my pulse quickens
a gasp is let out
I am at the precipice of nirvana
there is no one here for me
I am alone
I quicken my pace to a full sprint
in a second I will have reached the mountain top
and will full on leap off it
my destiny
there will be people on the other side waiting for me
hello and goodbye world
thanks for nothing
because you gave me nothing

© All rights reserved 2015

GUEST POST // A Prayer “Why” by Purple Creature

I am alone, in cruel world…
Wondering… is this for me?
I didn’t ask to be here, and yet I am…

Who would do this?
Make me…
It’s miraculous actually, if you were to look inside me
Dissect me, and see how my human body works…

With tiny fist in air, I shake it at God and demand…
WHY make me, and then abandon me…
Alone, cold, hungry… thrown in a dumpster…
Left for garbage… human waste…

What kind of would God allow this?
Silence is all I hear with this question…
So my prayer is this, please let it end quick
Or answer me… I am a bastard, the lowest of low,
But even I deserve and an answer.
All powerful and mighty One…Why???

© All rights reserved 2015

GUEST POST // My Forest by Purple Creature

Walking in my forest, huge trees are blocking the light,
I am walking, and now cannot see.
I hear creatures stirring on the forest floor,
Crawling over my feet, hissing in my ear, they are all around me,
I fucking fear…

My heart is racing, my fear is growing,
I want to run, so fast, I can’t think straight,
I want to leave this God forsaken place, as fast as I can.
I am alone, I am bruised and battered, I cannot win this fight.
I have done this to myself, for I have walked into the forest willingly,
Knowing what the forest beholds…

Ego… self-righteousness, false confidence,
call it what the Fuck you want,
I am here now, me, in the darkness, in the forest…
Dealing with it… badly.
More creatures, of all shapes and sizes are coming out.
Noises are getting louder, hisses, are getting louder…
The forest is alive I realize, a breathing, living being of blackness,
Tears are its food, Fear is its oxygen.

Then, in the distance, I see a faint light, fluttering in the forest.
It’s waiting for me, calling for me, like a beacon in the night…
Has it always been here… Have I just been blinded by my despair,
That I haven’t seen what has been in front of me, all this time…
I concentrate on the light, and follow it through the forest,
ignoring all else…
It’s just me and the light…
Before I know it, I am out of the forest and into the light,
with cascading waterfalls,
And beautiful flowers and colors everywhere…

The light, I realized, is the most beautiful, colorful, exotic,
butterfly I have ever seen,
The butterfly gazed at me one last time, smiled, winked at me,
and flew away, into the sky.

A single tear formed in my eye, and over flowed down my cheek.
Thank you, sweet butterfly,
For waiting for me,
For staying with me,
For guiding me out of my despair… out of my forest.

© All rights reserved 2015